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Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Musings

It's cold and rainy this morning as the warm front that moved through our little lakeshore community over the weekend passes and we settle back into weather more normal for us at this time of year. I'm going to miss the warm weather, but there's something to be said for curling up in the recliner with a dog or two (or three) on my lap.

Sasha refusing to relinquish the lap.

I had a pretty busy weekend. Not writing the five blog posts I needed to do, or working on Midnight Heat as I wanted to do, but cleaning, organizing, and (yawn) doing the grocery shopping. My husband and I also winterized the hot tub -- something we usually don't do, but we decided against the higher energy bill this winter. I really need to get to writing, but first I have to drop 17yo son at school, put in a few hours at the day job, take my grandmother to an appointment and call the insurance company about my reimbursement for my eye exam.

What about you? How does your Monday look?

Sarah Grimm
where dangerously sexy & happily-ever-after collide 
Blog / Website

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